Nanny Shares What “Always” Happens When The Playground Moms Find Out She’s Working

Social media has been a steady presence in our lives for more than 20 years now and, in that time, we as a society have had unparalleled access to other people’s lived experiences that we otherwise would know nothing about. Over those years we’ve learned that people can be — and pardon the technical jargon here — delulu.

Mostly it’s unsurprising at this point but every now and then I hear a story that leaves me absolutely sputtering at the absolute audacity. Case in point, a recent video from TikTok creator @tinysparksvixen (we’ll call her Sparks) about a common issue nannies have to deal with out in the world.

The video begins with a stitch with another account featuring a woman packing up her stroller with text saying the dads at the playground expected her to babysit their children. Sparks then shared a similar story from her own experiences as a nanny.

She shares that in the case of the last family she nannied for, it would be easy to assume that her charge was actually her child — she was 24, the child was two, and they were both blondes.

“So on first glance, to the other moms at the park, I might have just been another mom,” she says. “And for the first few times I saw them, we interacted normally.” Standard pleasantries were swapped, and it never occurred to anybody that she wasn’t the toddler’s mom. But one day, Sparks’ employer found herself unexpectedly home during lunch and mom, nanny, and child decided to enjoy the meal together.

“So I call the kid and go ‘hey, your mom’s home for lunch! Let’s go have some lunch with her!’ and the entire tone of the group [of playground moms] changes.”

Not immediately, she shares. Not in that particular moment, but the next time Sparks and her charge went to the playground two days later. The moms were set apart, but looking at Sparks.

“They’re kind of whispering a little bit,” she says, and continues. “I’m getting that sensation that I’m being talked about without me there. But whatever! Nobody is being mean. But they send one person over and there it is: ‘Hey, we were thinking about running out for coffee real quick. Would it be all right with you if you watch the kids for us just a little bit? 20 minutes maybe at most, just to go get coffee.’”

Uhhhhhh, ma’am, I beg your very pardon…?!

“It always eventually happens,” she says, sounding equal parts resigned and annoyed. “It does. They find out you’re the nanny, and they think that because you’re on the clock you’re automatically their nanny. Your kid is interacting with theirs and as a byproduct you’re responsible for both in their eyes.”

In these scenarios, fortunately, Sparks is quick to put her foot down. She lets them know that she agreed with her employer not to take any additional charges while their child is in her care. (“That usually covers it pretty quickly for them without too much fuss.”) Though, frankly, what her employer says shouldn’t have anything to do with it. Asking someone else’s nanny to watch your kid while they’re working is kind of like expecting a free Chipwich from the ice cream man because he just sold one to someone else. Still, I get the feeling that such entitled people will be more easily appeased by her employer’s authority than her simply saying “No,” unfortunately.

So if you’ve ever seen a nanny at a playground and thought “Ooh! Free babysitting!” go ahead and take the time you would have spent getting coffee to look at what in your life led you to such an entitled attitude.

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