I grew up in the suburbs, and there was a time when I couldn’t imagine raising a family anywhere else. I mean, how could you possibly carry groceries for a family of four home on the subway? But, after living in a city for college, I realized that not only do many people raise families, even big ones, in cities, but that there are benefits to it that I missed out on growing up.
The picture most people have in mind of American family life is one with a big house and a white picket fence. But, one city mom tackled that perception in a video posted to TikTok.
“I am getting pretty tired of all of these people saying that you can’t raise a family in the city,” said Grace Morgan Berryman, who lives in New York City with her family.
“I have done both,” she continued. “I had a house in the suburbs with the nice backyard and the big driveway and the giant garage, and all of the benefits of the suburbs, and it is great.”
There are definitely people who stick up their noses at suburban living. But, when it comes to raising families, cities seem to get a bad rap, and Berryman came to defend their honor.
“The city is also great, and just because you don’t want to raise your family in the city, that’s fine,” she said. “But I’m here to tell you, we like it. Our kids like it. We live in a tiny two-bedroom on the Upper West Side, and we are thriving here.”
She explained that, what they lack in space, they make up for in experiences — and I do have to say, by high school, I really wished my hometown had more to offer in terms of art and community (or even a Starbucks under a thirty-minute drive).
“We’re in the New York City public schools. We love them,” Berryman said. “Our kids are thriving. We’re near museums and parks and our community, and we love it.”
Parents in the comments shared their experiences raising families in the city, too.
“UES mom of two — we have found a sweet community, love our public school elementary school / daycare and don’t dream of the burbs,” one mom shared. “I do wonder what life in a 2 bed apt is like when the kids hit middle school or HS… but maybe we just hope for the best like we always have…? 🙌”
“My choice to be a city parent is confirmed anytime I see ‘pet store, garden center, and Target’ as suburban outing suggestions for toddlers. That is bleak af!” said another.
“I would love to raise my kids like this! Ultimately we chose to be close to family instead but how cool that you get to expose your kids to so much culture,” another mom added.
If you are raising your kids in the ‘burbs, that’s perfectly fine as well! Berryman’s message was to not let anyone else’s idea of what family life should be define yours.
“It is like not a lot of people’s dreams, but let me just tell you, it’s ours,” Berryman said. “And it’s okay if your dream doesn’t look exactly the way that everybody else’s dreams look.”